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Designing Education Quality Assessment - Assignment Example

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The assessment plan under the title "Designing Education Quality Assessment" will be based on those skills which are supposed to be acquired by teachers who will be to teach the youths in technology. Some of the skills which need to be acquired by the teachers will be explored…
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Module Descriptor The assessment plan will be based on those skills which are supposed to be acquired by teachers who will be to teach the youths in technology. Some of the skills which need to be acquired by the teachers include the following: Knowledge The teachers need to understand the subject matter. For the teacher to be able to teach the youths on the technology use to improve the skills of the students, they need to understand the basic principles in technology. Without these principles, the teacher will not be able to understand what to teach the youths. Acquiring of knowledge is very central to the effective teaching of the youths and therefore one of the objectives of the training the teachers is to acquire enough knowledge. The teaching should ensure that the student teachers acquire enough knowledge. The knowledge is important because without the knowledge, the teacher will have problems understanding the subject. It is assumed that a teacher cannot teach what he or she knows. This therefore means that a teacher cannot teach a student without first understanding what he is teaching the student. A teacher who is very fluent in teaching but does not understand what he or she is teaching is just useless. Comprehension and Application The teacher should be able to comprehend what he or she is teaching. The teacher should understand properly and be able to apply the knowledge she or he has acquired from the class in the field. The ability of a teacher to comprehend the things which he or she has learnt from the class is directly related to the application of that knowledge in the field. The teachers are supposed not only understand the subject but also be able to apply the knowledge they have gained in the class. A teacher who is not able to comprehend the issues is not able to teach the students properly and the students will not be able to apply the knowledge acquired in the class. Analysis The teacher should make a proper analysis of the subject matter. The importance of this analysis is to ensure that the teacher is able to integrate what he or she has learnt in the classroom with what is happening in the real life. As a result, the teacher can be able to make use of the knowledge which he or she has learnt in the class to solve different problems experienced in the society. This makes is easier for the teacher to pass the knowledge to the students who are the youths in the society. The inability of the teacher to make use the knowledge, then the knowledge got from the class will be of no use. This is because the teacher cannot be able to teach the students on the appropriate methods of applying the knowledge in addition to the teacher’s inability to use the knowledge in solving the problems of the society. Synthesis The teacher should be able to synthesize all the information which has been got from the class. This will make him or her to be able to integrate all what she or he has learnt increasing his or her ability to understand the subject matter. The teacher should not just cram the concepts but should ensure that he or she understands all what they get from different sources, that is, from the class and personal reading or practicals. As a result, the teacher will understand everything very well and will develop a very good method of teaching the youths in the society. Evaluation Technology is one of the things in the current society which has made the society to undergo a lot of revolution in the recent past. It has seen the society change from their original ways of thinking to adopt a completely new form of thinking in which they will have different perspectives of the things within the society. It has made work easier, has made peoples productivity increase and increased the efficiency of people in their daily duties. The various forms of technologies present in the society currently are important because they can create new job opportunities for the increasing number of youths who are unemployed and provide them with a source of income. In addition it should increase the efficiency with which work is done by various people in the society increasing their ability to make more production without increasing the amount of effort used previously. In the education sector, it is very necessary for the teachers and other people who are involved in the process of education to use the relevant skills of technology in the teaching of the students which will help them in making the student understand the content of what is being taught better. One thing of very high importance is that technology use in education can not completely transform by itself but with require that the different leaders and teachers to in cooperate it within the curriculum and use it to train the teachers (Kenneth, G, 1998). This will help the teachers understand how they can incorporate technology into their teaching leading to better application of the technology. In addition, the teachers should be taught the most appropriate methods of integrating technology with teaching with a view of making the process of teaching better than it has been and therefore increase the understanding of students better. The teacher will be able to make relevant application of technology in the teaching process therefore increasing the efficiency and understanding of the students. It will also reduce the amount of efforts he or she needs to use to bring out a certain point or to teach students in the class and less energy will be spent. Assessment Plan Overview The teacher should be able to formulate an assessment plan which will help the teacher understand the ability of the students to use various technology methods in the learning process. He should be able to establish if the students are able to use technology and solve different problems in the society like the unemployment affecting the youth in the society. The assessment should include the ability of the learner integrate the principles of technology with real life situation. It should also focus on the ability of the learner to understand the concept of technology and the importance of the use of technology in the day to day running of the activities within the society. The work of teachers is very essential in the promotion of the technology use in the society since they form the basic part of education. The integration of technology in the schools and other learning institutions will help the students to learn on the use of technology at an early age which will make them more likely to use it. The ability of the society to use technology in its operations is highly depended on the teacher’s ability to teach the students on the application of technology in all their activities in the society. Despite the increased technology in the society, most of the teachers have not been able to adequately use technology and integrate it in the teaching process due to their inability to effectively integrate it with the learning process. This is because of the problem that most of the teachers do not have support and time to learn about the technological issues although they have the desire to use it (Peter, 2009). Assessment Context This will be based on the proficiency of teaching of the teacher for the technological skills which are advanced. The assessment will only be administered to those teachers who have the ability and power to teach, although they may have no experience or very little experience in integration of technology with teaching. These teachers will need to develop their pedological skills which will make them present the subject matter in a better manner. In addition, the better skills will make the teacher teach the students on the better application of technology but this is purely depended on the ability of the teacher to give the appropriate skills. This will increase the prospects of employment to the unemployed youth in the society as they will be able to a have a wide range of ideas which can be applied on a wide variety of activities. This assessment will usually be administered to the teachers before they are allowed to take their main activities of teaching the youth on the professional skill development which will be used in the effective application of technology. This will make them to be evaluated prior to teaching the students so that they can be assessed of their ability to teach well. It will also determine if the teacher has the capability of teaching the students the appropriate skills which will be necessary in teaching the students in the society (Kenneth, 1998). The procedure of assessing the teachers will involve the use of assessment procedures which are based on the classroom work. Classroom procedures are better in the assessment of the teachers because they are simple to administer and will test for the knowledge on a broad perspective, covering almost every aspect of the technological knowledge which the teachers need to gain for them to be able to teach the youths effectively. They are very important in the attainment of the objectives which have been laid down by the curriculum and they make the teachers to be on their toes to learn everything about them. The use of these techniques which are simple will need about ten minutes for the teacher to be able to be evaluated on almost all the contents which he or she needs to have learnt. The evaluation of one or two teachers using this method will make the teacher understand whether or not this method is appropriate to gauge whether the method used in the evaluation is good or not good. The evaluation process is composed of the following three processes: Step 1 Planning The person to assess the teachers should choose one of the class secessions which he can use to try this method of assessment in the class. He should then take into consideration the most important outcomes which need to be achieved from what has been learnt. This will be used in the development of behavioral objectives which are student centered which are the condition of the assessment, the behavior, standard for performance and the subject of behavior. These will include the assessment of the teachers on their ability to incorporate the techniques learnt in the class in the real life situation. The assessor will then select an appropriate technique which will be used in the assessment and should have the characteristics of a simple method which is quick and simple to administer. This can include activities such as simple observation by the assessor as the teacher presents in class. The assessor can also record the presentation which the teacher has made. It only records those features which are observable. Step 2: Implementation The first thing in the implementation is the assessor explaining to the teachers the procedure. This will make them have an idea about the idea being undertaken and therefore increase their cooperation in the process of assessment. The assessor should then collect the responses from the teachers which he will analyze further. The collection is followed by recording of the important things before the assessment. Step 3: Responding The response provision is a very important part assessment. It will important in the reduction of time spend in the process of evaluating the teacher. The faster the response, the less time will be wasted in the evaluation process. Giving a response to the presentations is useful in that they make the students feel more motivated to learn more and encourage them. The responses should be more positive and the assessor should avoid making many negative comments since they can make the students feel discouraged. To make this assessment more effective in the development of technology and its use in the professional field, the assessor should ensure that he assess how effective the teacher will be able to handle the that particular topic when dealing with the young and unemployed population. The teacher will be supposed to listen to all the presentations which have been made and how the teachers can verbally present the subject matter. In addition, their use of nonverbal skills, the use of teaching aids and their attitude towards the teaching process is assessed as a very essential part of presentation since it will determine the ability of the teacher to attract the attention of the students effectively (Alan, 1998). Assessment Matrix Behavioral Objectives Assessment targets Assessment Methods 1. Teacher able to originate, integrate and combine ideas so that he or she can make a plan or a proposal of a project which will b e able to explain the application of technology Type of Knowledge Cognitive Process It will involve the hypothesizing, designing and creation of a project The teacher should be able to synthesize the project plan and technology Objective Type Subjective type Performance type It will involve the use of multiple choices There will be response to some questions which are extended This will include the writing of a report 2. Teacher demonstration on the effective use of computers in designing artistic features and websites instead of playing video games The teacher is able to make a selection and transfer data and principles learnt in the technology class to solve a problem in a specified duration of time. This will determine the application of technology The teacher should make a short description of the undertaken steps It involves the description of the learnt skills Projects 3. Judgment: The teacher asks questions to the students to determine the effectiveness Assessment of the objectives depending on the set criteria Evaluation of the students Testing of the students Ability to write an essay Demonstrating the ability to assess youths Justification of the Appraisal The above assessment method meets the characteristics of a good method of assessment. It is very useful in the development concept of skills which are professional in nature requiring the use of technology. There can be validity which is attained from the above attainment of assessment analysis. The concept of reliability in the assessor is the ability of the assessor to produce the same results after another process. Even another person assessing the teachers should produce the same results under the same conditions. The method used is able to bring about reliability to the assessment of the teachers and another assessor will produce similar results when he or she assesses these teachers (Carolyn, 2005). The procedure can also be said to be cohesive in that it is able to meet all the behavioral objectives and it can work comprehensively to make a connection of the various contents within the teaching process to attain a clear mastery of the subject matter. The process is also predictable because is provides an analysis which is comprehensive on the how the outcomes of learning are applied on the real life situations in the society. Therefore, if the teacher has gained the appropriate skills in technology, he or she is able to pass this to the youths in the society especially those who are unemployed and will result in the improving of their skills and their careers and therefore improve their standards of living (Stiggins, 2005). Importance of the Appraisal Plan This assessment method is useful to the candidates as it is able to give a comprehensive analysis on the attainment of the objectives in the real application of the concepts learnt. Employers also are able to benefit in that they will receive employees who have completely mastered the appropriate skills in the technology. This will make them perform better in the field than they would have performed without that assessment. This will also make it easy for the person seeking employment to convince the employer to grant him or her some employment although the vacancies of the employment are limited. In addition, the utilization of the skills which have been proposed is very useful in making the young people apply their skills appropriately in the improvement of the society (Bowker, 1998). Why it is Effective in Development Professionally This type of assessment is holistic and explicit in nature making the teachers acquire the required technical skills which are needed in that profession making them better professionals. This type of assessment advocates for the measurement of the quality skills which are necessary in the profession which are essential. This type of assessment makes sure that the teacher focuses on the attainment of the laid down objectives and therefore making it possible for him or her to learn what is very necessary for the profession. There are objectives which have been laid down and the teacher is supposed to ensure that he or she covers them. The ability of the teacher to deliver the professional skills to the youth is the most important mechanism for the attainment of the objectives (Sadler, 1998). The involvement of the teacher on the professional development is a very essential part of the in this approach. The important issue is the change in the approach of teaching rather than the answerability of teaching. The measurement of the teachers concentrates on the concerns which are technical in nature and not making things very easy at the expense of the results being not valid (Moskal). This assessment plan is also justified by the fact that it is able to use performance indicators in the assessment that are easily observed. This means that the assessor is able to make an appropriate evaluation which is standard in nature and can be used over and again by another assessor. This is opposed to other assessment strategies which are not able to produce to produce same results since they do not use the performance indicators which are clearly measurable. The plan highlighted here is able to measure all the cognitive part of development, application of the knowledge, its comprehension and the evaluation plus the analysis. Therefore it can be applied on a wide range of domains (Taylor, 2003). Conclusion It is very important to design an assessment strategy which is useful to the teachers. This type of assessment will make the teachers demonstrate the skills which they have acquired from the class teachings and their application. It is very necessary to develop an assessment plan which is also able to determine the ability of the teachers to apply the knowledge they have gained in the class work since this will demonstrate how they will be able to teach the youths and therefore affect how the youths will learn how to apply the knowledge gained in the class. This plan achieves these objectives. The integration of an assessment method which is well structured is very essential in the development of skills by the teacher which will then be transferred to the learners as they teach them. This approach achieves the above objectives. References Alan, S, B, Michel, H, 1998, Behavioral assessment, Allyn and Bacon University of Michigan. Black, B, Harrison, C,Lee, C, Marshall, B, & William, D,2003, Assessment for Learning: Putting it into practice, Berkshire, England: Open University Press. Butler, D,L, &. Winnie, P, H, 1995 self-regulated learning and Feedback : a academic synthesis. Review of Educational Research, 245-281 . Bowker, 1998, Australian Books in Print Volume 1, Walter De Gruy'ter Inc. Carolyn, C, Rita, K, 2005, differentiated assessment strategies: one tool doesn't fit all, Corwin Press. Federation international dedication physique, 1998, Bulletin of the Federation international deduction physique, Pennsylvania State. From the American Associationfor Higher Education Assessment Forum. AAHE, went out of business in summer 2005 and their website is no longer available. This page Kenneth, G, 1998, International handbook of science education, Springer Moskal, Barbara M., & Leydens, Jon A, 2000,"Scoring Rubric Development: Validity and Reliability. " Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation. Stiggins, R, 2005, Student-involved assessment for leaming, Upper Saddle River, N.J, Prentice Hall. Peter, H, Robert, E,2009, Action Plan for Outcomes Assessment in Your Library, Dugan Sadler, D, R, 1998, Formative assessment: revisiting the territory. Assessment in Education, 77- 84. Taylor, G,2003,Informal classroom assessment strategies for teachers, Scarecrow Press. Read More
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