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Optimism and Its Development - Essay Example

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The paper "Optimism and Its Development" discusses that Martin Seligman stresses the ineffectively of self-talk because an individual can often have ‘catastrophic thoughts,’ these are the feelings of helplessness that everything is wrong and it will never change…
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Optimism and Its Development
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?Your                                     Optimism and its Development Optimism is a popular term in contemporary society which generally perceived to be positive attitude and motivated self particularly in unfortunate or unfavorable conditions. There are numerous conceptualizations of optimism as an idea, its nature, and the way it can be developed. Some researchers believe on its biological nature, some refer to it as learned, while some attribute it to be a purely cognitive phenomenon. This paper analyses studies different definition of optimism, its components, and its role in different aspects of human life, such as, health, sales, and relationship. Furthermore, the study concludes that irrespective of its nature, components, and roots, optimism has remarkably positive impact on human life and conditions. Defining Optimism Anthropologist, Lionel Tiger defines optimism as “a mood or attitude associated with an expectation about the social or material future-one which the evaluator regards as socially desirable, to his [or her] advantage, or for his [or her] pleasure” (18 qtd. in Peterson 44).On the other hand, optimism is attributed to be a sense of personal control, and ability to identify meaning in one’s own life experiences. Optimism is a valuable psychological resource which is long believed to be associated with mental health (Frankle, 1963; Seligman, 1998; Taylor, 1989 qtd. in Taylor et al. 99).Such psychological resources become extremely important when individuals are exposed to challenging or threatening occurrences (Taylor 1164).These resources work as reserves which enables people to cope with difficult situations in an efficient manner (Taylor et al. 99).Theorists Scheier and Carver(1985) referred optimism as a generalized anticipation that good as compared to bad will happen an individual confronts problem in crucial domains of life(qtd. in Franken 476). In general, the idea of optimism refers to an individual’s overall positive approach towards life and what it has to offer. Biological Component of Optimism Lionel Tiger (1979) puts forth the biological explanation of optimism. He maintains that in early days, when human left forests, being hunters they had to face death and injuries continuously. Because human mind is inclined towards learning from experiences, he abandoned the tasks associated with negative results. Therefore, it is biological adaption for humans to develop a basic sense of optimism. Furthermore, Tiger argues that when human body is injured, it releases endorphins. Generally, endorphins have two attributes; analgesic attributes which decreases the feeling of pain, and feelings of euphoria. Humans are biologically adaptive to positive emotions when injured in order to keep the process going (hunting) due to our ancestors’ experiences, therefore, optimism is a trait which is induced biologically (Franken 1994, qtd. in Dunavold 4). Several theorists believe that optimism is a personality trait rather than an emotion. They regard optimism as an inborn temperament which means that people are inherently optimistic or pessimistic ( Dunavold 4). Learned Component of Optimism Many researchers believed that optimism is a way of thinking which can be learned. As Martin Seligman’s idea of learned optimism, in addition to Daniel Goleman confirm that the concept that both hope and optimism can be learned. He identifies that self-efficacy leads to hope and optimistic view in life. Self-efficacy refers to the belief that one has control over life events and his ability to meet the challenges as they appear in life (qtd. in Dunavold 4). However, Dunavold disagrees with the theory and states that, “... optimism can (not) be learned. Dr. Seligman’s method of teaching optimism relies heavily on active thought processes which I believe is more of a cognitive activity...Optimism can (not) be reinforced or stifled. Additionally… if optimism IS would be very difficult to LEARN to have something that is inherent.” (4) Cognitive Component of Optimism Another definition of optimism refers to the idea as a cognitive disposition to anticipate positive or favorable outcomes (Scheier & Carver, 1985 qtd. in Srivastave et al. 144).Significant number of research studies have associated optimism with efficient coping and positive mental and physical health results (Scheier, Carver, & Bridges, 2001; Taylor, Kemeny, Reed, Bower, & Gurunewald, 2000 qtd. in Srivastave et al. 144).According to contemporary perceptions, optimism is generally treated as cognitive attribute. It is a goal, an expectation, or a casual attribution which seems logical as long as we remember that the belief is concerned with the future and strong individual feelings about that happening. Optimism is not a simple cold cognition without emotional association (Norem & Cantor qtd. in Peterson 45). C.R. Snyder and other researchers believe that optimism is differentiable from hope because of an element called proactive planning (Franken qtd. in Dunavold 5).Furthermore; optimistic statements have their foundation on logical and sound facts. Existence of planning and logic in the whole process refer to some sort of cognitive activity in comparison to habit or rote learning. Generally, optimistic terms are evidence based or they can be evaluated in a rational way (Dunavold 5).Dunavold also regards optimism as a cognitive activity. It is evident that some people have positive tendencies and overall positive attitude towards life and experiences, but their optimism is based on logic and rational facts that can be assessed cognitively (6). Evaluating Optimism There are two major approaches to the measurement of optimism which are established on distinct conceptualization of optimism (Peterson qtd. in Carr 82).At one extreme, Scheier and Carver (1985) conceptualize optimism as a extensive personality trait which is characterized by general optimistic expectations, while at other point, Seligman(1998) constructs it as an explanatory style which refers to the differentiation between optimistic explanatory style and dispositional optimism( qtd. in Carr 82). Dispositional Optimism It refers to the global expectation about future that it hold more good than bad. According to Scheier and colleagues, in difficult times, optimistic people continue to work for their valued objectives. In the pursuit of their goals, they regulate themselves and their personal states by utilizing effective strategies (Scheier, Carver and Bridges qtd. in Carr 82).In order to evaluate dispositional optimism, Scheier and Carver developed self-report Life Orientation Test or LOT (1985, revised 1994).The kind of optimism evaluate by LOT is personality trait which is linked with favorable personal expectations about future. Dispositional optimism is associated with better health and positive responses to medical procedures and treatments, such as, cancer and heart issues. The impact of dispositional optimism at the time of recovery is mediated by efficient strategies to cope with it, such as, redefining and reframing. On the other hand, pessimists either avoid from coping strategies or withdraw from dealing with problems (Carr 82-82). Explanatory Style Seligman along with his colleagues described optimism in an explanatory style, rather than a general personality characteristic. According to explanatory perspective, optimistic people explain negative experiences or incidents in the light of the causes arising from external, transient, and specific factors, such as, prevailing circumstances. On the other hand, pessimists attribute negatives experiences with internal, persistent, and global factors, such as, being a personal failure. Therefore, an optimist is more likely to attribute his failure in exam with wrong questions or the distracting environment in the examination hall. On the other hand, a pessimist will attribute failure with his general incapability in academics or just being stupid. This kind of optimism can be evaluated with Attributional Style Questionnaire (ASQ) (Dykena et al., 1996; Peterson et al.1982; Peterson and Villanova, 1988) the Content Analysis of Verbal Explanation (CAVE) (Peterson et al., 1992) (qtd. in Carr 83). Development of Optimism The development of optimism is determined by mental health of parents. It includes the kind of role models offered by parents; in addition to the degree to which optimism is encouraged and rewarded by them (Abramson et al., 2000; Gillham, 2000; Seligman, 1998 1td. in Carr 84).Optimism is more likely to flourish in those families in which neither parent had depression. Parents of optimist people are good role models for practicing an explanatory style. They attribute their success and achievement to internal, global, and persistent factors, and their failures to external, particular, transitory, and specific factors. Optimists belong to the families where parents are understanding and attribute their failures to external factors rather than internal ones. Families who experience major traumas, such as poverty or unemployment, youngsters use to develop optimism if the family recovered from the condition. Parents of optimistic children encourage them for handling setbacks in a positive way and differentially stress optimism and consistency (Carr 84). Pessimists are more likely to belong to families in which parents are depressed, and promoter of pessimist explanatory style. They differentially stress the development of pessimist explanatory style. When parents criticize their children and associate their failures to internal, persistent, and global factors, children grow up as pessimist individuals. Neglect and child abuse also make children vulnerable who develop depression and pessimist explanatory style. Furthermore, optimism is also associated with one’s ability to gratify and to give up short term gains in the pursuit of long-term goals. It is probably due the act that optimist people have faith that they will achieve long-term goals (Carr 84). Health Improvement and Optimism Human condition observers have always stressed that positive state of mind leads to not only a more purposeful but also a healthier life. However, such observations lacked scientific evidence until last decade. With the advent of in-depth methodological standards, including longitudinal research, accurate measurements, and efficient controls of biological and psychological confounds, testing these ideas empirically is possible(Taylor et al., 105).In their study, Taylor et al. conclude that personal control and optimism assist people in not only adapting to stressful environments and conditions, but also protect their health. Despite lacking biopsychosocial understanding, presence of strong evidence is sufficient to prove that these factors prevent disease and physical illness (107). It is evident from prospective and retrospective research studies that individuals with optimistic explanatory style are less likely to develop physical health problems, depression, and suicidal tendencies when they experience major stressful incidents in life as compared to the individuals with pessimist explanatory style. Children who experience major stressful event, such as, chronic parental conflict, maternal bereavement, or divorce, are more inclined to develop depression. This situation can be dealt if they have a good socially supportive relationship; otherwise, it can be aggravated and maintained if their depression results in failure at school where they are pointed out for their internal, global, and persistent factors leading to undesirable results (Carr 85). Optimism and Academics or Sports Performance In a young age, optimism is associated with better academic performance and achievement, sports performance, professional adjustments, and relationships (Seligman 1998; Gillham 2000 qtd. in Carr 85).With optimistic measures, we can predict better performance more at college more accurately as compared to the ability measures, such as, Scholastic Aptitude Test (Peterson and Barrett, 1987 qtd. in Carr 85).  Optimism also predicts better performance of people in individual or team sports (Seligman et al.. 1988 qtd. in Carr 85).According to Satterfield (2000) “a series of studies in which the CAVE system for conducting content analysis of historical documents such as speeches, diaries and newspaper reports of prominent political and military figures has shown that optimism determines success in public life” (Carr 85). Optimism and Sales Performance Optimistic behaviors also predict better performance and success in several occupations, such as, sales. According to Seligman (1998) and Seligman and Schulman (1986), “When insurance salesmen who scored in the top and bottom 10 per cent on the ASQ were compared, those with very optimistic explanatory style sold 88 per cent more than those with very pessimistic styles”(qtd. in Carr 85). Optimism and Relationship Only a fewer number of researches identified that optimism has some association with improved social functioning. For instance, optimism is linked with lesser social isolation (Scheier & Carver, 1985) and long-standing friendships (Geers, Reilley, & Dember, 1998) (qtd. in Srivastave et al. 144).Helgeson (1994) and Murray and Holmes (1997) studies conclude that in a romantic relationships, optimism generates greater satisfaction in the relationship and minimize the likelihood of dissolution (qtd. in Srivastave et al. 144). According to assessment  by the RAM, optimism within relationship and marriage identified to be associated with higher ratio of positive interaction, in addition to predicts long-term marital satisfaction(Finchman, 2000 qtd. in Carr 85).Optimistic behavior of individuals have strong influence on the way they deal with loss and bereavement. According to the observations of Susan Nolen-Hoeksema (2000) bereaved optimists are inclined to utilize strategies, such as, reappraisal of the lost person in positive manners; seek social support for solving problems; and distraction through healthy hobbies, and exercises, on the other hand, pessimists were found to utilize negative coping strategies, such as, denial, or distraction through unhealthy hobbies or activities like excessive drinking. Optimists deal with bereavement as a ‘wakeup call’ in order to prioritize their lives again, they become more aware of the fragility of life which makes them alert and present minded. They were found more inclined to strengthen important relationship rather than work or casual relationships. They develop tendency to resolve family issues which have been unresolved for long time. They become tolerant, aware of their strengths, and less afraid of their own death. They make crucial life decisions that they were long putting off, such as, switching jobs or taking retirements. Optimists who tend to gain some benefit within six months of the loss, are predicted to express better psychological adjustment and lesser indications of depression and anxiety during subsequent 18 months (Carr 85). Martin Seligman stresses the ineffectively of self talk because an individual can often have ‘catastrophic thoughts,’ these are the feelings of helplessness that everything is wrong and it will never change. In learning optimism, individuals with such thoughts are taught to consider it a voice of some other person who wants to make his life miserable (qtd. in Paulson 84).It can happen at any point in life, at some loved ones’ death, illness, unemployment, or even at a presentation or meeting. Optimism is controlling the negative self-talk in the face of adversity and keeps oneself motivated and hopeful for a better future. Any situation can be made better if not ideal, simply by convincing yourself that if is not the end of the world and there is always something we can do about it. Irrespective of the debate that if optimism can or cannot be learned, we can identify numerous examples of amazingly optimist people in our society who not only  lived their lives to the fullest but helped other to do the same despite the extreme unfortunate circumstances. Such as, Michael J. Fox, author of the Always Looking up: Adventures of an Incurable Optimist, is an author, actor, comedian, artist, and activist irrespective of being patient of Parkinson’s disease which is worsening with time (iamkingofmylife). Aimee Mullins is just another remarkable example of optimism, despite her amputated legs; she is a successful actress, fashion model, and a successful athlete (robertsidbury).Optimism is powerful, be it biological, learned, or cognitive. No doubt, every human being has experienced it and must have felt the power and promise it holds.  Work Cited Carr, Alan. Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness and Human Strengths. New York, NY Routledge, 2004.Print. Dunavold,A.Patricia. “Happiness, Hope, and Optimism.” State University,Northridge,Spring 1997.Web.2 June.2011. Franken,E.Robert.Human Motivation.3rd ed.Belmont,CA:Brooks/Cole Publishing Company,1994.Print. Iamkingofmylife. “Adventures of An Incurable Optimist-Michael J Fox.”09 May 2009.Online video clip.YouTube.Accessed 3 June 2011 Peterson, Christopher.  “The Future of Optimism.”American Psychologist 55.1(2000):44-55.APA PsycNET.Web.2 June 2011. Robertsidbury. “Aimee Mullins on Today Show.”03 January 2008.Online video clip.YouTube.Accessed 3 June 2011. Taylor, E.Shelley. “Adjustment to Threatening Events: A Theory of Cognitive Adaptation.” American Psychologist 38.11(1983):1161-1173.APA PsycNET.Web.2 June 2011. Taylor, E.Shelley, et al. “Psychological Resources, Positive Illusions, and Health.”American Psychologist 55.1(2000):99-109.APA PsycNET.Web.1 June 2011. Srivastave,Sanjay, et al. “Optimism in Close Relationship: How Seeing Things in a Positive Light Makes Them So.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 91.1(2006):143-153. PubMed. Web.1 June 2011. Read More
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